A weekend of Buddhist Teachings with Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche


Additional Info

Personal or Company NameKatog Tara Ling
Street6458-B Kahuna Road
State / ProvinceHawaii
CountryUnited States
Zip/Postal Code96746
Area Code & Phone(808) 212-7062

Essential Advice for Troubled Times
A weekend of Buddhist Teachings with 
Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche
hosted by Katog Tara Ling
Saturday April 26th and Sunday April 27th 2025


St Michael and All Angel’s Church,
4364 Hardy Street, Lihue, Kauai, HI 96766


Saturday April 26th
9:15 a.m. Registration
Teachings 10 a.m. – noon
1.30p.m – 4.30 pm
Sunday April 27th
Teachings 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. with break

Donation basis

This is a non-profit event.
All donations go towards the venue cost & travel for Rinpoche ~ Mahalo


Essential Advice for Troubled Times

These teachings, given by the great master of mind training Jowo Serlingpa, synthesize a hundred key points into a single set of essential instructions for troubled times. This advice is a path for finding freedom from the challenges and suffering we encounter, a path we walk with the eyes of wisdom and the legs of compassion and loving kindness. It is like a single medicine to cure a hundred ills.

Please join us for a weekend of teachings and advice based on this text given by Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche.

We invite everyone to attend.

To register taraling808@gmail.com

For further information please contact :
Esti (808) 822-4599 (landline) or Yojana (808) 212-7062


Tea and snacks will be available in the Parish Hall.  You are welcome to bring your lunch or if you prefer there are several restaurants nearby.
As with all teachings a way to take notes is recommended.
Teachings start on time please plan your travel time accordingly. Mahalo
