
Additional Info

Personal or Company NameCSL KAUAI
Street4-1170 Kuhio HWY
State / Provincehi
CountryUnited States
Zip/Postal Code96746
Area Code & Phone808-431-1700
We are having a very special evening to bring fresh purified water to the village outside Guloo Africa. Center for Spiritual Living Kaua’i is aware that fresh water is needed all over our world and this is one place to start
This African Community has touched our hearts and was brought to our attention by one of our own Ohana members, Susan Wood, who is quite active with AID AFRICA and brings her gifts at least once a year to these people in Guloo.
The funds we raise on September 12th event will enable a “Water Well” to placed and fresh water to be activated by this equipment that will bring safe drinking water to this community. $2,500 is the amount needed per Water Well and for installment in this rural African community.
As many of you know we are a Global Community. We do look forward to seeing CSL Kaua’i’s logo next to these purified water wells in Guloo and yet not from a place of “praise” but from allowing our Magnificent Global Center in the middle of the Pacific Ocean to reach out to a village that requires clean water to exist.
Water should never be considered a luxury when it is a necessity for living. They have to walk miles for small amount of clean water. How much joy there must be when these miracle wells are installed.
How this “Global Fun-Raising Party With A Purpose” going to work? Please come to this exciting night hosted by Susan Wood and sponsored by a CSL Kaua’i on September 12th, (FLYER BELOW WITH DETAILS).
The tickets for the Global Benefit Fun-Raiser are at link below——–If you want to contribute and be included in the nights total amount raised and live off island or cannot attend the event, use the link below and mark for donation for clean water.
If you choose another way to invest in this project please make check payable to CSL Kaua’i and mark “clean water”. Remember it is a win-win for us all and its tax deductible.
