As Children, we reach the shore of Life connected to Source. The expansiveness of our Existence flows through our tiny Being of Heart and we experience Everything deeply as our sense of I and Another isn’t quite formed. The Inner-connectedness to All of Life is palpable, we are wide open loving curious and at awe – The World is our Playground. Along this Voyage, we undergo a journey of Dis-connection from Source and our True Essence. A sense of Alienation begins to pervade our Existence and to a great extent, we grow far from our Heart and begin to neglect the Spiritual dimension of our Being.
Mankind has been walking here, largely unconscious, for a time; imprisoned by the trivial whilst negating our Glorious Existence. Our Story here is far larger and more Magnificent than we tend to believe. The Truth we embody will present itself as a relentless Inner Impulse which demands possibly the greatest decision each will make: undertaking our most Sacred Journey – the Journey WithIn.
The collective human community has been in a Disoriented state as past conditioning propelled us to seek external pursuits and much distractions. We have been, to a great degree, shaping the world we live in whilst Abandoning our greatest Centre of Power. Our luminous Radiance and Creative capacity have been neglected as a result of our Spiritual Estrangement. We forgot our Role and Potency in the Cosmic Dance and Universal Arena. Alas, our earthly existence will present us with situations and conditions which will demand our Honest appraisal and will ultimately provide an Impetus for our Expansion.
This Inner Journey can be overwhelming, many feel lonely and at times destabilized. Nevertheless, the Interior Quest provides us our most Potent and Fundamental Transformation. We Recognize and Accept that a large part of this Earthly Existence is to Awaken us to our Magnificence. In our search, we glean deeper insights into Unconscious Tendencies and eventually reach a space of Clarity that permeates our Being. Our Hearts widen and a profound sense of Compassion imbues our Life. As we Awaken from our long slumber Humility begins to pervade our Existence and we see with great Transparency the Collective Compass and Purpose. A nourishing Coherence suffuses our Life and our Creative Force begins to Flow.
May you Honor the Brilliant Powerful Spirit that is You.